11 early warning signs of multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disorder of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). In this condition, the immune system targets the protective sheath that shields the nerve fibers, which causes communication problems between the brain and the body. This condition can cause permanent damage to the nerve fibers. Warning signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary between patients. Some of the most common early signs of MS are listed below. 1) Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS)- In some patients, the earliest indicator of MS is CIS. This episode lasts 24 hours, and one may experience neurologic symptoms that cannot be associated with another cause, some of which are listed below. Optic neuritis- This condition causes damage to the myelin of the optic nerve, leading to vision problems and eye discomfort. Lhermitte’s Sign- This is caused by a lesion on the spinal cord, which causes a tingling or shock sensation in the back and the neck, especially when one bends their neck. Transverse myelitis- This affects the spinal cord and may cause muscle weakness, numbness, and other issues. 2) Fatigue- Fatigue is one of the most common indicators of MS. It is described as exhaustion that makes it difficult to carry out one’s daily activities.
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